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Singularity is a free, cross-platform and open-source computer program that performs operating-system-level virtualization also known as containerization.

Singularity is able to support natively high-performance interconnects, such as InfiniBand[24] and Intel Omni-Path Architecture (OPA). It also has native support for Open MPI library by utilizing a hybrid MPI container approach where OpenMPI exists both inside and outside the container. Singularity can import Docker images without having Docker installed or being a superuser.

Unlike Docker, Singularity was designed do fit the high-performance computing (HPC) needs. HPC environments are typically multi-user systems where users should only have access to their own data. For all practical purposes, Docker gives superuser privileges. Singularity, on the other hand, runs under user identity. It blocks privilege escalation inside containers by using an immutable single-file container format that can be cryptographically signed and verified.


Singularity is installed on all MetaCentrum and Cerit nodes.

Freely accessible Singularity images

MetaCentrum offers a couple of ready-to-use Singularity images for our users. Individual images are placed in the appropriate folder and the directory structure is shown below.

├── FEFLOW/ # FEFLOW is a computer program for simulating groundwater flow, mass transfer and heat transfer in porous media and fractured media
├── KKY/ # Tools prepared for the Department of Cybernetics (KKY) at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
├── NGC/ # GPU-tuned frameworks for deep learning packed as containers under NVIDIA GPU CLOUD (NGC), including NAMD3, OpenCV, PyTorch, qEspresso, TensorFlow 
├── NVIDIA_HPC_SDK/ # A Comprehensive Suite of Compilers, Libraries and Tools for HPC
├── OpenFOAM/ # OpenFOAM is capable of simulating anything from complex fluid flows involving chemical reactions, turbulence and heat transfer, to solid dynamics, electromagnetics and the pricing of financial options
├── Peregrine/ # Peregrine is a fast genome assembler for accurate long reads
├── RNApeg/ # RNApeg is an RNA junction calling, correction, and quality-control package
├── RStudio/ # Integrated development environment (IDE) for R
└── TE-Tools/ # Dfam TE Tools is a container that includes RepeatMasker, RepeatModeler, and coseg

Singularity images (.sif files) in each folder can be listed by ls command. For example ls /cvmfs/

Basic usecases

Some basic usecases covering the singularity usage are below. Please note, that mentioning all nuances (especially usage of various versions of MPI or running parallel job on different infiniband HW) is beyond scope of this section.

Interactive session

[dexter@ungu1 ~]$ singularity shell my_image.img
Singularity: Invoking an interactive shell within container...

Running command

[dexter@ungu1 ~]$ singularity exec my_image.img bash -c "java -version"
java version "1.8.0_60"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_60-b27)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.60-b23, mixed mode)

Binding directory into container

Automaticaly are binded directories /storage and /auto. Binding of scratchdir is uselfull for jobs

[dexter@ungu1 ~]$ singularity exec -B $SCRATCHDIR my_image.img ls $SCRATCHDIR
/ .. content of my $SCRATCHDIR ... /

Binding directory to another location is also possible.

[dexter@ungu1 ~]$ singularity exec -B $SCRATCHDIR:/MY_SCRATCH my_image.img ls /MY_SCRATCH
/ ... content of my /MY_SCRATCH, i.e. $SCRATCHDIR ... /

Binding more directories is possible with comma delimiter or multiple -B parameters.

PBS Pro: singularity interactive session

qsub -I -l select=1 -l walltime=24:00:00 -- /usr/bin/singularity shell my_image.img

PBS Pro: running script inside singularity container

qsub -l select=1 -l walltime=24:00:00 -- /usr/bin/singularity exec -B /path/to/script:/home/username/ my_image.img bash -c "/home/username/"

The -B /path/to/script:/home/username/ option will bind the host directory (/path/to/script) to container directory (in this example /home/username). Without this option, the container will automatically bind to itself host directories on computational node where the job is run and the script may not be found.

PBS Pro: running parallel job using singularity

The scenario for this setup is: two nodes with common scratch dir

 #PBS -l select=2:ncpus=2:mem=1gb:scratch_shared=4gb
 #PBS -l walltime=04:00:00
 #PBS -l place=scatter
 # modify/delete the above given guidelines according to your job's needs

 module add openmpi-2.0.1-gcc
 cat $PBS_NODEFILE |uniq >nodes.txt

 # run job over ethernet or infiniband (mpirun autoselects better)
 mpirun -n 2 --hostfile nodes.txt singularity exec my_image.img /path/to/program

More information about parallelization and different setups (specially for programs supporting MPI and OpenMP together) can be found in Parallelization.

Starting docker image

qsub -l select=1 -l walltime=24:00:00 -- /usr/bin/singularity exec docker://ubuntu:latest echo "Hello Dinosaur!"

Preparing your own singularity image

Preparing your own singularity image is intended for experienced users. Root privileges are needed or you can use system with User Namespace Remapping. Reading singularity documentation Singularity documentation is a good idea too :) In general, you do not need root privileges if you can (re)use existing docker image.

Without root privileges you prepare singularity image from Docker image as:

singularity build image.img docker://tensorflow/tensorflow:latest

However, if you want to change something or make your own image from scratch, you'll need root privileges. is server with User Namespace Remapping intended for Metacentrum users who need to build custom images. Users must apply for membership in group builders at

Image file is read-only and to modify it you have to use sandbox directory. In this example we use Debian Buster docker image. Generally, we recommend to work in the scratch directory ( /scratch/user_name/ ), using fakeroot mode (-f options) is not even possible on NFS storages (/home).

singularity build -f -s test1.sbox docker://debian:buster

After running container from sandbox, you can make changes via package system, compile the source codes, install pip/conda modules etc. In this example we install ffmpeg package in Debian Buster environment.

singularity shell -f -w test1.sbox
Singularity> apt update && apt install ffmpeg
Singularity> exit

Build image from sandbox:

singularity build -f test1.SIF test1.sbox

For repeatable build of image you can use the definition file, example test1.def

Bootstrap: docker
From: debian:buster
apt-get update && apt-get install -y ffmpeg

Build image from recipe file:

singularity build -f test1.SIF test1.def

For more details see

Starting application docker image

The Docker download instructions of the type

docker pull sangerpathogens/circlator

are in Singularity replaced as

singularity pull docker://sangerpathogens/circlator

This command will create circlator_latest.sif, a singularity image of docker image. The Docker mounting command of the type

docker run -v /home/ubuntu/data:/data sangerpathogens/circlator

are in Singularity replaced by

mkdir circ_read; singularity run -B ./circ_read/:/data ./circlator_latest.sif

where circ_read is folder used for getting data into image. By running the command you are in the image and using df -h you can check that the folder is mounted.

If you need to explore the content of the Singularity image (.sif file) interactively, use the -C flag.

singularity shell -C ./circlator_latest.sif

To run script or command, eg. here circlator, in the image you can use

 singularity exec -B ./circ_read/:/data ./circlator_latest.sif "circlator"

inside the quotes, there is command that will be run inside the image. If you are using binding of specific directory (mostly containing input and output data), use absolute paths to the inputs (eg. /data/some.fasta) that are used as command parameters. After the exec you are back in standard environment (outside the image), here you must such paths (eg. circ_read).

For more details see

Environment Settings (optional)

Before you start Singularity you may need to set:

export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR="/storage/..."
# Than you can start Singularity
singularity build ...
  • CACHEDIR -- downloaded layers
  • LOCALCACHEDIR -- run shell exec
  • TMPDIR -- squashfs and temporary files, there is limit 1GB by default, if you need more use scratch

