Set service attributes
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WARNING: This manual includes instructions for this use-case only. If you use other instructions you can cause unwanted functioning of system.
Please note: make sure that service is already assigned
VO MANAGER role needed
- Please log in into the Perun system and then go to the VO Manager section.
- On the left panel please click on Select VO. Now you can see the list of the VOs under your administration.
- Please choose the desired VO, where would you like to set service attributes. There will appear a new panel with the VO settings.
- select resource by clicking on the row with name of required resource and detail of resource is displayed
- press the button Service settings
- at area Selected service are listed available services in list-box and you can choose required service
- if you tick off check-box Offer available only list-box contains all possible services and you can select from them
- attributes which setting is required for selected service are displayed with its default values
- if you choose Selected service=All then all required attribute values for all assigned services are displayed together at the same page
- you can fill new values for attributes where the text in value field is black, if the text is gray (or field is not writable) VO MANAGER is not permited to update this value:
- you need to be FACILITY MANAGER too to set these gray text areas (so in that case the text is black and field is writable)
- ..................OR...................
- value of attribute is automatically determined from default values for VO/namespace/...
- press Save button to set new values of attributes
- if you need to set new (maybe nonrequired) attribute click the button Add... and all possible service attributes are listed
- click on the row with required facility name to select it and detail of facility is displayed
- press the button Service settings
- in the field Service are listed available services in list-box and you can choose required service
- if you uncheck check-box Offer available only list-box contains all possible services and you can select from them (for example if you want to prepare attributes for several services and assigning services to resource is left to VO MANAGER)
- select attributes
- attributes which settings are required for selected service are displayed with their default values or values of attribute values are empty
- if you choose Selected service=All then all required attribute values for all assigned services are displayed together at the same page
- you can fill new values for attributes where the text in value field is black
- if text in value field is gray or field is not writable that means attribute value is generated automatically
- press Save button to set new values of attributes
- if you need to set new (maybe nonrequired) attribute click the button Add... and all possible service attributes are listed