Perun CLI

Z MetaCentrum
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Command line tool to operate with Perun database.

Environment settings

Access methods

  • For MetaCentrum users on MetaCentrum machines: Load module perun-3.0 under the MetaCentrum environment in the machine
module add perun-3.0

Please set in the different environments:

Environmental variable PERUN_URL must contain the address of perun-rpc servlet:

Here is an example how it works for the CESNET eInfrastructure:

Variable PERL5LIB must follow to the directory with Perun Perl libraries (e.g. ...path to CLI sources.../lib/Perun/).

Variable PERUN_USER with value login@META/pass for specific authentication method (e.g. basic auth).

Variable PERUN_RPC_TYPE with value "Kerberos META" for MetaCentrum instance.


Following Perl modules are required: JSON::XS, LWP::Authen::Negotiate při použití GSSAPI, Text::ASCIITable, HTTP::Request::Common, Term::ReadKey, Text::Unidecode, Date::Calc.

# Debian
apt-get install liblwp-authen-negotiate-perl libjson-any-perl libtext-asciitable-perl libterm-readkey-perl libwww-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl libtext-unidecode-perl libdate-calc-perl
# RHEL (Not complete)
yum install perl-libwww-perl perl-JSON-XS perl-LWP-Authen-Negotiate perl-LWP-Protocol-https

Available CLI tools by functionality

CLI tools by entity


Adds facility destination. Facility, service and destination and type are required fields.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
serviceId -s service id
destination -D destination string
type -t destination type (host/email/url)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds facility owner. Facility and owner are required fields.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
ownerId -o owner id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds a Facility manager. User Id and Facility are required fields.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
authGroupId -a authorized groupId
authGroupName -A authorized group Name
authGroupVoId -o authorized group VO Id
authGroupVoName -O authorized group VO Name
userId -u user id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds facility hosts. Facility and hosts are required fields.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
hosts -H list Of Hosts
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds a group manager. User id and group id or group name together with vo id or vo short name are required fields.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
userId -u user id
authGroupId -a authorized groupId
authGroupName -A authorized group Name
authGroupVoId -o authorized group VO Id
authGroupVoName -O authorized group VO Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds a member to a group. Member id and group id or group name together with vo id or vo short name are required fields.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
memberId -m member id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds a Resource manager. User id and Resource are required fields.

Available options:

resourceId -r resource id
authGroupId -a authorized groupId
authGroupName -A authorized group Name
authGroupVoId -o authorized group VO Id
authGroupVoName -O authorized group VO Name
userId -u user id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds required attribute. Service and attribute are required fields.

Available options:

serviceId -s service id
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds an external source to the user. User id and external login and external source id or name are required fields

Available options:

userId -u user id
extSourceId -e external source id
extSourceName -E external source name
extSourceLogin -l external login
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds a Vo manager. User id and vo id or vo short name are required fields.

Available options:

voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
userId -u user id
authGroupId -a authorized groupId
authGroupName -A authorized group Name
authGroupVoId -o authorized group VO Id
authGroupVoName -O authorized group VO Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds an external source to the Vo. Vo id or short name and external source id or name are required fields.

Available options:

voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
extSourceId -e external source id
extSourceName -E external source name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds a Vo member. Search string and vo id or vo short name are required fields. Searches the users in all assigned external sources using search string.

Available options:

voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
searchString -p string to search in assigned external sources
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds a service to service package. Package id or name and service id or name are required fields.

Available options:

packageId -p package id
packageName -P package name
serviceId -s service id
serviceName -S service name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds facility destination. Facility and service are required fields.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
serviceId -s service id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Assigns a group to a resource. Resource id and group id or group name together with vo id or vo short name are required fields.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
resource -r resource id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Assigns service to the resource. Resource and service are required fields.

Available options:

serviceId -s service id
serviceName -S service name
resourceId -r resource id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Assigns tag to the resource. Resource and Tag Id are required fields.

Available options:

tagId -t tag Id
resourceId -r resource id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Assigns NotifRegex to NotifTemplate. Both Id are required.

Available options:

NotifTemplateId -t id of the NotifTemplate
NotifRegexId -r id of the NotifRegex
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Creates an attribute. Attribute name, namespace and type are required fields.

Available options:

attributeName -N attribute friendly name
attributeNameSpace -n namespace
attributeDisplayName -e attribute display name
attributeType -t attribute type (integer/string/array)
attributeDsc -d description
isUnique -u attribute have to be unique
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Converts attribute to Unique

Available options:

attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Creates a facility. Facility name is required field.

Available options:

facilityName -F facility name
facilityDsc -d facility description
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Creates a new facility like recently created facility.

Available options:

likeFacility -l name of 'like' facility
facilityName -F facility name
facilityDsc -d facility description
nodeName -n name of node
fromNumber -o numbering of nodes starts from
toNumber -d numbering of nodes ends to
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Creates a group. Group name and vo id or vo short name are required fields.

Available options:

groupName -G group name
groupDsc -d description
parentGroupId -p parent group id
parentGroupName -P parent group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Creates a owner. Owner name is required fields.

Available options:

ownerName -O owner name
ownerContact -c owner contact
ownerType -t owner type (administrative, technical)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Creates a resource. Resource name and facility id or name are required fields.

Available options:

resourceName -R resource name
resourceDsc -d resource description
voId -v VO identifier
voShortName -V VO short name
facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Creates a service. Service name and owner id are required fields.

Available options:

serviceName -S service name
ownerId -o owner id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Creates a services package. ServicesPackage name is required field.

Available options:

packageName -P package name
packageDescription -d description
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Creates a vo. Vo full and short name are required fields.

Available options:

voFullName -n vo full name
voShortName -V vo short name (max. 16 characters)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Creates an External source. ExtSource name and type are required fields.

Available options:

extSourceName -e extSrouce name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Creates a NotifReceiver. Target, typeOfReceiver and templateId are required field.

Available options:

target -r target
typeOfReceiver -t type of receiver (EMAIL_USER / EMAIL_GROUP / JABBER)
templateId -i template id (template has to exist in db)
locale -l locale
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Creates a NotifRegex. Regex is required field.

Available options:

regex -r regex
note -n note
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Creates a NotifTemplate. Notify trigger and at least one primary property are required fields.

Available options:

name -n name
primaryProperty -p primary property
(key and value divide by '=',
values divide by '/', more properties allowed)
sender -s sender
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Creates a NotifTemplateMessage. TemplateId, locale and subject are required fields.

Available options:

templateId -t template id
locale -l locale
message -m message
subject -s subject
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Deletes an attribute. Attribute id is required.

Available options:

attributeId -a attribute id
force -f delete also all dependent data
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Deletes an external source. External source id or name are required fields.

Available options:

extSourceId -e external source id
extSourceName -E external source name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Deletes an facility. Facility id or facility name is required.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
forceDelete -o force delete
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Deletes a group. Group id or group name together with vo id or vo short name are required fields.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
force -f removes all members and deletes all subgroups
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Deletes an host. Host id or host name is required.

Available options:

hostId -i host id
hostName -H host name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Deletes an owner. Owner id is required.

Available options:

ownerId -o owner id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Deletes a resource. Resource id is required.

Available options:

resourceId -r resource id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Deletes a service. Service id or name is required.

Available options:

serviceId -s service id
serviceName -S service name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Deletes a service package. ServicesPackage name or id is required field.

Available options:

packageName -P package name
packageId -p packageId
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Deletes a Vo. Vo id or vo short name are required fields.

Available options:

voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
force -f delete also all dependent data
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Deletes a member. Member id is required.

Available options:

memberId -m member id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Deletes an user. User id is required.

Available options:

userId -u user Id
force -f force delete
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Principal Roles

Available options:

batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of User Roles

Available options:

userId -u userId
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Group Roles

Available options:

groupId -g Group identifier
groupName -G Group name
voId -v VO idetifier
voShortName -V VO short name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of VOs which are allowed to use Facility. Facility is required field.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility identifier
facilityName -F facility name
orderById -i order by numeric id
orderByName -n order by short name (default)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Resources assigned to Facility. Facility is required field.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility identifier
facilityName -F facility name
orderById -i order by numeric Id
orderByName -n order by name (default)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of users.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility identifier
facilityName -F facility name
orderById -i order by user's Id
orderByName -n order by user's name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Attributes Definition

Available options:

orderById -i order by numeric Id
orderByName -n order by name (default)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of ExtSources

Available options:

orderById -i order by ExtSource identifier
orderByName -n order by ExtSource name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Facilities

Available options:

orderById -i order by numeric Id
orderByName -n order by ShortName
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Attributes defined on Facility. Facility is required field.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility idetifier
facilityName -F facility name
orderById -i order by numeric Id
orderByName -n order by Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Attributes defined on Host. Host is required field.

Available options:

hostId -H host idetifier
orderById -i order by numeric Id
orderByName -n order by Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Destinations used for Facility and Service. Facility and service are required fields.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility identifier
facilityName -F facility name
serviceId -s service identifier
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Destinations used for Facilities which have resource in defined VO.

Available options:

voId -v filter facilities by resources available in VO
(defined by ID)
voShortName -V filter facilities by resources available in VO
(defined by shortName)
orderById -i order by destination id
orderByDestination -n order by destination name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of facility Owners. Facility is required field.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility idetifier
facilityName -F facility name
orderById -i order by numeric ID
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of facility Managers. Facility is required field.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
orderByName -n order by Manager's name (default by Id)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of facility hosts. Facility is required field.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility idetifier
facilityName -F facility name
orderById -i order by numeric ID
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of group Managers. Group is required field. Group can by specified by it's ID or by both it's name and VO.

Available options:

groupId -g Group identifier
groupName -G Group name
voId -v VO idetifier
voShortName -V VO short name
orderByName -n order by Manager's Name (default by Id)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of group members. Group is required field. Group can by specified by it's ID or by both it's name and VO.

Available options:

groupId -g Group identifier
groupName -G Group name
voId -v VO idetifier
voShortName -V VO short name
orderById -i order by member's identifier
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Groups in VO. VO is required filed.

Available options:

voId -v VO idetifier
voShortName -V VO shortName
orderById -i order by numeric ID (default)
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Groups assigned to Resource. Resource is required field.

Available options:

resourceId -r resource idetifier
orderById -i order by numeric ID (default)
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Tool prints list of Resources where the Group is assigned to. Group is required fields.

Available options:

groupId -g group idetifier
orderById -i order by numeric ID (default)
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of expired Group Members.

Available options:

voId -v VO identifier
voShortName -V VO short name (default meta)
groupId -g group identifier
groupName -G group name
orderById -i order by Member's identifier
orderByName -n order by Member's last name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Group Members without expiration set.

Available options:

voId -v VO identifier
voShortName -V VO short name (default meta)
groupId -g group idetnifier
groupName -G group name
orderById -i order by Member's identifier
orderByName -n order by Member's last name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Attributes defined on Group. Group id or group name and VO are required fields.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
orderById -i order by numeric ID (default)
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists all required group attributes. Group id or group name and VO are required fields. Id of resource to get services from is required.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
resourceId -r id of resource to get services from
orderById -i order by numeric ID (default)
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Attributes for Group and Member. Group, VO and member fields are required.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
memberId -m Members identifier
orderById -i order by numeric ID
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists all required member group attributes. Group, VO and member fields are required. Resource id is optional. Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
resourceId -r resource id
memberId -m member id
orderById -i order by numeric ID
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Attributes defined for Resource-Group. Group id or group name and VO and resource Id are required fields.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
resourceId -r resource id
orderById -i order by numeric Id
orderByName -n order by Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Attributes defined for Member. Member is required field.

Available options:

memberId -m Members identifier
orderById -i order by numeric Id
orderByName -n order by Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Print list of Attribute for Resource and Member. Resource and member fields are required.

Available options:

resourceId -r Resource identifier
memberId -m Members identifier
orderById -i order by numeric ID
orderByName -n order by name


Prints list of Owners

Available options:

orderById -i order by numeric ID
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Facilities assigned to owner

Available options:

ownerId -o owner's Id
ownerName -O owner's Name
orderById -i order by numeric ID
orderByName -n order by ShortName
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists all required facility attributes. Facility id or name is required option.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
orderById -i order by attribute id
orderByName -n order by attribute friendly name
batch -b batch
help -h help


Lists all required resource attributes. Resource id is required option.

Available options:

resourceId -r resource id
serviceId -s service id - returns only atributes required by this service
orderById -i order by attribute id
orderByName -n order by attribute friendly name
batch -b batch
help -h help


Lists all required resource-group attributes. Group id or group name and VO and resource Id are required fields.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
resourceId -r resource id
orderById -i order by attribute id
orderByName -n order by attribute friendly name
batch -b batch
help -h help


Lists all required member attributes. Member id is required option.

Available options:

memberId -m member id
orderById -i order by attribute id
orderByName -n order by attribute friendly name
batch -b batch
help -h help


Lists all required member resource attributes. Resource id and member id are required options.

Available options:

resourceId -r resource id
memberId -m member id
optionUseRes -o option for using resource to get services from
orderById -i order by attribute id
orderByName -n order by attribute friendly name
batch -b batch
help -h help


Prints list of Attributes required for Service. Service is required field.

Available options:

serviceId -s Service idetifier
serviceName -S Service name
orderById -i order by numeric ID
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Attributes defined for Resource. Resource is required field.

Available options:

resourceId -r Resource idetifier
orderById -i order by numeric ID
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Tool prints list of Resource Manager. Resource is required field.

Available options:

resourceId -r resource id
orderByName -n order by Manager's name (default by Id)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Members allowed on Resource. Resource is required field.

Available options:

resourceId -r Resource idetifier
orderById -i order by numeric ID
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Services

Available options:

orderById -i order by numeric ID
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Services assigned to Resource. Resource is required field.

Available options:

resourceId -r Resource idetifier
orderById -i order by numeric ID
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Resources where service is assigned. Service id or name are required fields.

Available options:

serviceId -s service idetifier
serviceName -S service name
orderById -i order by numeric ID
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Service Packages

Available options:

orderById -i order by numeric ID
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


List all user external sources. User id is required.

Available options:

userId -u user id
orderById -i order by user external source id
batch -b batch
help -h help


Prints list of users.

Available options:

orderById -i order by user's identifier
orderByName -n order by user's name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Attributes defined for User. User is required field.

Available options:

userId -u user's identifier
orderById -i order by numeric Id
orderByName -n order by Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists all required user attributes. User id is required option. Resource id is optional.

Available options:

userId -u user's identifier
resourceId -r resource to get services from
orderById -i order by attribute Id
orderByName -n order by friendly name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists all user_facility attributes. User id and facility id or name are required options.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
userId -u user's identifier
orderById -i order by attribute Id
orderByName -n order by friendly name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists all required user_facility attributes. User id and facility id or name are required options. Resource id is optional.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
userId -u user's identifier
resourceId -r resource to get services from
orderById -i order by attribute Id
orderByName -n order by friendly name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Tool prints list of VO Managers. Vo is required fields.

Available options:

voId -v VO idetifier
voShortName -V VO short name
orderByName -n order by Manager's name (default by Id)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Tool prints list of VO ExtSources. Vo is required fields.

Available options:

voId -v VO idetifier
voShortName -V VO short name
orderById -i order by ExtSource identifier
orderByName -n order by ExtSource name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of VO Members. Vo is required field.

Available options:

voId -v VO idetifier
voShortName -V VO short name
orderById -i order by Member's identifier
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of group members and values of selected attributes. Group is required field. Group can by specified by it's ID or by both it's name and VO.

Available options:

groupId -g Group identifier
groupName -G Group name
voId -v VO idetifier
voShortName -V VO short name
attrList -a list of attributes to print *)
statuses -s list of allowed statuses **)
orderByName -n order by member's name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help
*) names of attributes are required in short form like
      u:d:organization = urn:perun:user:attribute-def:def:organization,
      m:d:organization = urn:perun:member:attribute-def:def:organization
      u:d:preferredMail = urn:perun:user:attribute-def:def:preferredMail
   default value -a u:d:preferredMail m:d:organization
**)if parameter -s is not used the default value is 
   if parameter -s is used but the list of statuses is empty
   ALL statuses are listed


Prints list of VO members, their stauses and values of selected attributes. VO can be specified by Id or shortName.

Available options:

voId -v VO idetifier
voShortName -V VO short name
attrList -a list of attributes to print *)
statuses -s list of allowed statuses **)
orderByName -n order by member's name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help
*) names of attributes are required in short form like
      u:d:organization = urn:perun:user:attribute-def:def:organization,
      m:d:organization = urn:perun:member:attribute-def:def:organization
      u:d:preferredMail = urn:perun:user:attribute-def:def:preferredMail
   default value -a u:d:preferredMail m:d:organization
**)if parameter -s is not used the default value is 
   if parameter -s is used but the list of statuses is empty
   ALL statuses are listed


Prints list of VO Resources. VO is required field.

Available options:

voId -v VO idetifier
voShortName -V VO short name
orderById -i order by Resource identifier
orderByName -n order by Resource name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of all VOs

Available options:

orderByName -n order by short name
orderById -i order by id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Attributes defined on VO. VO is required field.

Available options:

voId -v VO identifier
voShortName -V VO short name
orderById -i order by numeric Id
orderByName -n order by Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists all required VO attributes. VO id or VO short name is required option.

Available options:

voId -v VO identifier
voShortName -V VO short name
orderById -i order by numeric Id
orderByName -n order by Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Resources assigned to User. Can be limited to resources from specified facility. User is required field.

Available options:

userId -u user identifier
facilityId -f facility identifier
facilityName -F facility name
orderById -i order by numeric Id
orderByName -n order by Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Facilities assigned to User. User is required field.

Available options:

userId -u user identifier
orderById -i order by numeric Id
orderByName -n order by name (default)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Users allowed on Resource. Resource is required field.

Available options:

resourceId -r Resource idetifier
orderById -i order by numeric Id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of users.

Available options:

orderById -i order by numeric Id
orderByName -n order by Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of all Notif Receivers.

Available options:

orderByTarget -t order by target
orderById -i order by id (default)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of all Notif Regexes.

Available options:

orderByNote -n order by note
orderById -i order by id (default)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of all Notif Templates.

Available options:

orderByName -n order by name
orderById -i order by id (default)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of all Notif TemplateMessages.

Available options:

orderByTemplateId -t order by templateId
orderById -i order by id (default)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints selected attribute for an entity.

Available options:

userId -u user identifier
facilityId -f facility identifier
memberId -m member identifier
resourceId -r reource identifier
hostId -t host identifier
groupId -g group identifier
voId -v vo identifier
userExtSourceId -x user ext source identifier
entityless -e subject of entityless attribute
attributeId -a attribute identifier
attributeName -A attribute name (including namespace)
orderById -i order by numeric Id
orderByName -n order by Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Find user by member id.

Available options:

memberId -m member Id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Find users by attribute.

Available options:

attributeName -a attribute name
attributeValue -w attribute value
orderByName -n order by user's name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Find NotifReceiver by id. Id is required field.

Available options:

NotifReceiverId -i NotifReceiver id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Find NotifRegex by id. Id is required field.

Available options:

NotifRegexId -i NotifRegex id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Find NotifTemplate by id. Id is required field.

Available options:

NotifTemplateId -i NotifTemplate id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Find NotifTemplateMessage by id. Id is required field.

Available options:

NotifTemplateMessageId -i NotifTemplateMessage id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of all related NotifRegexes to NotifTemplate. NotifTemplate id is required field.

Available options:

NotifTemplateId -i id of NotifTemplate
orderByNote -n order by note
orderById -d order by id (default)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes all attributes from the facility. Facility id or name is required.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes all attributes from the host. Host id is required.

Available options:

hostId -H host id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes all facility destinations. Facility id or facility name and service id are required.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
serviceId -s service id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes all attributes from the resource. Resource id is required.

Available options:

resourceId -r resource id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes all attributes from the resource-group. Group id or group name and VO and resource id are required fields.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
resourceId -r resource id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes all resource-member attributes. Resource id and member id are required.

Available options:

resourceId -r resource id
memberId -m member id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected attribute from the facility. Facility id or name and attribute id are required.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
attributeId -a attribute id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected attribute from the host. Host id and attribute id are required.

Available options:

hostId -H host id
attributeId -a attribute id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected destination from the facility. Facility id or name, attribute id and destination are required.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
serviceId -s service id
destination -D destination
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected owner from the facility. Facility id or name and owner id are required.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
ownerId -o owner id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected manager from the facility. Facility id or name and manager's id are required fields.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
userId -u user id
authGroupId -a authorized groupId
authGroupName -A authorized group Name
authGroupVoId -o authorized group VO Id
authGroupVoName -O authorized group VO Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected hosts from the facility. Facility id and one or more host id are required fields.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
hosts -H list Of Hosts
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected hosts and destinations from the facility. Facility id (or name) and one or more host name are required fields.

Available options:

hosts -H list Of Host names
facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected hosts (optional and destinations) from facilities. One or more hostnames is required field.

Available options:

hosts -H list Of Host names
dest -d remove appropriated destinations
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes group manager. User id and group id or group name and Vo id or vo short name are required fields.

Available options:

userId -u user id
groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
authGroupId -a authorized groupId
authGroupName -A authorized group Name
authGroupVoId -o authorized group VO Id
authGroupVoName -O authorized group VO Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes a group from the resource. Resource id and group id or group name together with vo id or vo short name are required fields.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
resourceId -r resource id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes group member. Member id and group id or group name and Vo id or vo short name are required fields.

Available options:

memberId -m member id
groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected attribute from the group. Group id or group name and VO and attribute id are required fields.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes all attributes from the group. Group id or group name and VO are required fields.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes required attribute from the service. Service id and attribute id are required.

Available options:

serviceId -s service id
attributeId -a attribute id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected manager from resource. Resource id or name and manager's id are required fields.

Available options:

resourceId -r resource id
userId -u user id
authGroupId -a authorized groupId
authGroupName -A authorized group Name
authGroupVoId -o authorized group VO Id
authGroupVoName -O authorized group VO Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected attribute from the resource. Resource id and attribute id are required.

Available options:

resourceId -r resource id
attributeId -a attribute id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected resource-member attribute. Resource id, member id and attribute id are required.

Available options:

resourceId -r resource id
memberId -m member id
attributeId -a attribute id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected group-member attribute. Group, VO, member, and attribute fields are required.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
memberId -m member id
attributeId -a attribute id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected attribute from the resource-group. Group id or group name and VO, resource id and attribute id are required fields.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
resourceId -r resource id
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes service from the resource. Resource id and service id or name are required.

Available options:

resourceId -r resource id
serviceId -s service id
serviceName -S service name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes a service from service package. Package id or name and service id or name are required fields.

Available options:

packageId -p package id
packageName -P package name
serviceId -s service id
serviceName -S service name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes an external source from the user. User id and external login and external source id or name are required fields

Available options:

userId -u user id
extSourceId -e external source id
extSourceName -E external source name
extSourceLogin -l external login
forceRemove -f remove persistent external source too
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected attribute from the user. User id and attribute id are required.

Available options:

userId -u user id
attributeId -a attribute id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes all attributes from the user. User id is required.

Available options:

userId -u user id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected attribute from the user and facility. Facility id or name, user id and attribute id are required.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
userId -u user id
attributeId -a attribute id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes all attributes from the user and facility. Facility id or name and user id are required.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
userId -u user id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes VO Manager. User id and VO id or VO short name are required fields.

Available options:

userId -u user id
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
authGroupId -a authorized groupId
authGroupName -A authorized group Name
authGroupVoId -o authorized group VO Id
authGroupVoName -O authorized group VO Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes an external source from the VO. External source id or name and VO id or VO short name are required fields.

Available options:

extSourceId -e external source id
extSourceName -E external source name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected attribute from the VO. VO id or VO short name and attribute id are required.

Available options:

voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
attributeId -a attribute id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes all attributes from the VO. VO id or short name is required

Available options:

voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes selected attribute from the member. Member id and attribute id are required.

Available options:

memberId -m member id
attributeId -a attribute id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes all attributes from the member. Member id is required.

Available options:

memberId -m member id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes all group-member attributes. Group, VO and member fields are required.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
memberId -m member id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes NotifReceiver from db by id. Id is required field.

Available options:

NotifReceiverId -i id of the NotifReceiver
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes NotifRegex from db by id. Id is required field.

Available options:

NotifRegexId -i NotifRegex id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes NotifTemplate from db by id. Id is required field.

Available options:

NotifTemplateId -i id of the NotifTemplate
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes NotifTemplateMessage from db by id. Id is required field.

Available options:

NotifTemplateMessageId -i id of the NotifTemplateMessage
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes relation between NotifTemplate and NotifRegex by id. Both Id are required.

Available options:

NotifTemplateId -t id of the NotifTemplate
NotifRegexId -r id of the NotifRegex
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets the entityless attribute. Key and attribute value and attribute id or name are required.

Available options:

key -k key
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
attributeValue -w attribute value
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets the facility attribute. Facility id or name and attribute value and attribute id or name are required.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
attributeValue -w attribute value
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets the host attribute. Host id and attribute value and attribute id or name are required.

Available options:

hostId -H host id
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
attributeValue -w attribute value
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets the group attribute. Group id or group name and VO and attribute id or name and attribute value are required fields.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
attributeValue -w attribute value
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets the member attribute. Member id and attribute value and attribute id or name are required.

Available options:

memberId -m member id
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
attributeValue -w attribute value
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets the member resource attribute. Resource id and member id and attribute value and attribute id or name are required.

Available options:

resourceId -r facility id
memberId -m member id
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
attributeValue -w attribute value
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets the member group attribute. Group, VO, attribute value and attribute id fields are required.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
memberId -m member id
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
attributeValue -w attribute value
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets the resource attribute. Resource id and attribute value and attribute id or name are required.

Available options:

resourceId -r resource id
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
attributeValue -w attribute value
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets the resource-group attribute. Group id or group name and VO, resource id and attribute id or name and attribute value are required fields.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
resourceId -r resource id
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
attributeValue -w attribute value
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets the user attribute. User id and attribute value and attribute id or name are required.

Available options:

userId -u user id
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
attributeValue -w attribute value
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets the user facility attribute. Facility id or name, user id and attribute value and attribute id or name are required.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
userId -u user id
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
attributeValue -w attribute value
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets the VO attribute. VO id or VO short name and attribute value and attribute id or name are required.

Available options:

voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
attributeValue -w attribute value
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets the member's status. Member id and status are required.

Available options:

memberId -m member id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds Role to user or authorizedGroup. User or group is required. Role is required. Some complementaryObject is required if not PERUNADMIN. For now only 1 object is supported to be set at once.

Available options:

userId -u user id
authorizedGroupId -a authorizedGroup id
role -R role name
facilityId -f facility comp object id
groupId -g group comp object id
voId -v vo comp object id
resourceId -r resource comp object id
serviceId -s service comp object id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Remove Role from user or authorizedGroup. User or group is required. Role is required. Some complementaryObject is required if not PERUNADMIN. For now only 1 object is supported to be set at once.

Available options:

userId -u user id
authorizedGroupId -a authorizedGroup id
role -R role name
facilityId -f facility comp object id
groupId -g group comp object id
voId -v vo comp object id
resourceId -r resource comp object id
serviceId -s service comp object id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Updates user. User id is required.

Available options:

userId -u user id
firstName -f first name for update
lastName -n family name for update
middleName -d middle name for update
titleBefore -t title used before the name for update
titleAfter -T title used after the name for update
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Updates group. Group id is required.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
name -n new name for the group
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Updates NotifReceiver. Id is required field.

Available options:

NotifReceiverId -i id of the NotifReceiver
target -r target
typeOfReceiver -t type of receiver (EMAIL_USER/EMAIL_GROUP/JABBER)
templateId -p template id (template has to exist)
locale -l locale
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Updates a NotifRegex. ID is required field.

Available options:

NotifRegexId -i id of the NotifRegex
regex -r regex
note -n note
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Updates a NotifTemplate. Id of the updated Template is required field.

Available options:

id -i id of the updated NotifTemplate
name -n name
primaryProperty -p primary property (key and value divide by '=',
values divide by '/', more properties allowed)
locale -l locale
sender -s sender
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Updates a NotifTemplateMessage. Id is required field.

Available options:

NotifTemplateMessageId -i NotifTemplateMessage id
templateId -t template id
locale -l locale
message -m message
subject -s subject
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Updates application form. Vo id or Group id is required.

Available options:

voId -v vo id
groupId -g group id
autApproval -a automatic approval
autApprovalExt -e automatic approval extension
moduleName -n name of module
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Change a member's status. Member id is required.

Available options:

memberId -m member id
newStatus -s new status
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Coppies Form from VO to Group or from Group to VO

Available options:

fromVo -v from VO id
toGroup -G to Group id
fromGroup -g from Group id
toVo -V to VO id
notifMails -m copy with notification mails
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help

At first empty Form for target group or VO must be created !!!


Copy of templateResource to destinationResource.

Available options:

templateResource -t Id of template resource
nameOfDestResource -n Name of destination resource
voDestResourceId -v Id of VO for destination resource
voDestResourceName -V ShortName of VO for destination resource
facDestResourceId -f Id of Facility for destination resource
facDestResourceName -F Name of Facility for destination resource
descOfDestResource -d Description of destination resource
copyWithGroups -g Copy groups
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Coppies Registration Nitification mails from VO to Group or from Group to VO

Available options:

fromVo -v from VO id
toGroup -G to Group id
fromGroup -g from Group id
toVo -V to VO id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help

At first empty Form for target group or VO must be created !!!


Forces service propagation. Facility and service are required fields.

Available options:

serviceId -s service id
serviceName -S service name
facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Synchronize the group with the external source.

Available options:

groupId -g group id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets all atributes for the member to valid value.

Available options:

memberId -m member id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of auditer messages

Available options:

limit n -l n limit results to the n number of lines
(20 by default)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of members found by searching through user attributes. Need to specify vo where will be members looking for.

Available options:

voId -v VO idetifier
voShortName -V VO short name
mapOfAttrs -m Map with attr_names and values for searching
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of publications.

Available options:

orderById -i order by identifier of publication
orderByName -n order by title of publication
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Returns state of the GEN and SEND services on the defined destinations

Available options:

destinations -d destinations separated by space
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds PERUNADMIN role to the user. User id is required.

Available options:

userId -u user id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Loads external source definitions. Tool can be used only by PERUNADMIN. It is target for updating of external sources from perun configuration.

Available options:

help -h prints this help


Starts notifications

Available options:

batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Stop notifications

Available options:

batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of Facilities Contacts

Available options:

batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds contacts to facility.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
contactName -n contact group names
owners -o list of owner's Id
groups -g list of group's Id
users -u list of user's Id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes contacts from facility.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
contactName -n contact group names
owners -o list of owner's Id
groups -g list of group's Id
users -u list of user's Id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists contacts of facility.

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
orderByName -n order by contact name
displayIds -i display Id of owner/user/group
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists contacts of group.

Available options:
groupId -g group's Id
groupName -G group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
orderByName -n order by contact name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists contacts of owner.

Available options:
ownerId -o owner's Id
ownerName -O owner's Name
orderByName -n order by contact name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists contacts of user.

Available options:

userId -o user's Id
orderByName -n order by contact name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of expired V OMembers. Vo and number of years are required fields.

Available options:

voId -v VO idetifier
voShortName -V VO short name (default meta)
expiredYears -y numer of years (how long is expired)
expired -e expired members only (default)
expAndDis -d expired and disabled members
orderById -i order by Member's identifier
orderByName -n order by contact name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds user or group as SecurityTeam admin. User id or group id and SecurityTeam are required fields.

Available options:

securityTeamId -s SecurityTeam id
userId -u user id
authGroupId -a authorized groupId
authGroupName -A authorized group Name
authGroupVoId -o authorized group VO Id
authGroupVoName -O authorized group VO Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Assigns SecurityTeam to facility

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
securityTeamId -s SecurityTeam id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Creates a securityTeam. SecurityTeam name is required field.

Available options:

securityTeamName -S securityTeam name (no space allowed)
description -d description
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Deletes a securityTeam. SecurityTeam id is required field.

Available options:

securityTeamId -s Id of deleted securityTeam
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Displayes Admins and BlackList of SecurityTeam. SecurityTeam is required field.

Available options:

securityTeamId -s securityTeam id
orderById -i order by user's identifier
orderByName -n order by user's name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists SecurityTeams assigned to facility.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
orderById -i order by securityTeam id
orderByName -n order by securityTeam name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of all Security Teams

Available options:

orderByName -n order by securityTeam name
orderById -i order by securityTeam id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Displayes list of SecurityTeam admins. SecurityTeam is required field. Available options:

securityTeamId -s SecurityTeam id
orderByName -n order by Manager's name (default by Id)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes SecurityTeam from facility

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
securityTeamId -s SecurityTeam Id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes user or group from SecurityTeam admins. User id or group id and SecurityTeam are required fields.

Available options:

securityTeamId -s SecurityTeam id
userId -u user id
authGroupId -a authorized groupId
authGroupName -A authorized group Name
authGroupVoId -o authorized group VO Id
authGroupVoName -O authorized group VO Name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Updates a securityTeam. SecurityTeam id is required field.

Available options:

securityTeamId -s Id of updated securityTeam
securityTeamName -S new securityTeam name (no space allowed)
description -d new description
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds user to BlackList SecurityTeam. User id and SecurityTeam are required fields.

Available options:

securityTeamId -s SecurityTeam id
userId -u user id
desc -d purpose of blacklisting
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Displayes BlackList at Facility. Facility Id or name are required fields.

Available options:

facilityId -f facility id
facilityName -F facility name
orderById -i order by user's identifier
orderByName -n order by user's name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Displayes BlackList of SecurityTeam. SecurityTeam is required field.

Available options:

securityTeamId -s SecurityTeam id
orderById -i order by user's identifier
orderByName -n order by user's name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes user from BlackList SecurityTeam. User id and SecurityTeam are required fields.

Available options:

securityTeamId -s SecurityTeam id
userId -u user id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints list of services assigned to Destination.

Available options:

destination -D destination name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets the resource or facility ban. Resource and member Id OR facility and user Id required. Date (DD.MM.YYYY) OR time (in UNIX epoch) of ban validityTo required.

Available options:

valTo -v date of expiration of Ban (DD.MM.YYYY)
valToEpoch -t time (in UNIX epoch in ms)
resource -r resource Id
member -m member Id
facility -f facility Id
user -u user Id
description -d description of Ban
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Displays the resource or facility ban. (BanId and type of Ban) OR (resourceId and memberId) OR (facilityId and userId) required .

Available options:

banId -i Ban Id
resourceType -R ban for resource-member
facilityType -F ban for facility-user
resourceId -r resource Id
memberId -m member Id
facilityId -f facility Id
userId -u user Id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists of resources or facilities bans. Type of Ban (Resource or facility) required.

Available options:

resource -r resource Id
facility -f facility Id
orderById -i order by Ban Id
orderByType -n order by Id of entity (resource/facility)
orderByPerson -p order by Id of person (member/user)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help
Default sorting is by Banned To


Removes the resource or facility ban. (BanId and type of Ban) OR (resourceId and memberId) OR (facilityId and userId) required.

Available options:

banId -i Ban Id
resourceType -R ban for resource-member
facilityType -F ban for facility-user
resourceId -r resource Id
memberId -m member Id
facilityId -f facility Id
userId -u user Id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Updates the resource or facility ban. (BanId and type of Ban) OR (resourceId and memberId) OR (facilityId and userId) required . Date (DD.MM.YYYY) OR time (in UNIX epoch) of ban validityTo required.

Available options:

banId -i Ban Id
valTo -v date of expiration of Ban (DD.MM.YYYY)
valToEpoch -t time (in UNIX epoch in ms)
resourceType -R ban for resource-member
facilityType -F ban for facility-user
resourceId -r resource Id
memberId -m member Id
facilityId -f facility Id
userId -u user Id
description -d description of Ban
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists userExtSource attributes. UserExtSource id or (external source Name or Id and userExtSourceLogin) required.

Available options:

userExtSourceId -u userExtSource Id
userExtSourceLogin -l users login at ExtSource
extSourceName -E extSource name
extSourceId -e extSource Id
orderById -i order by attribute id
orderByName -n order by attribute friendly name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets the UserExtSource attribute. UserExtSource id or (external source Name or Id and userExtSourceLogin) required. Attribute value and attribute id or name are required too.

Available options:

userExtSourceId -u userExtSource Id
userExtSourceLogin -l users login at ExtSource
extSourceName -E extSource name
extSourceId -e extSource Id
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
attributeValue -w attribute value
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Remove the UserExtSource attribute. UserExtSource id or (external source Name or Id and userExtSourceLogin) required. Attribute id or name are required too.

Available options:

userExtSourceId -u userExtSource Id
userExtSourceLogin -l users login at ExtSource
extSourceName -E extSource name
extSourceId -e extSource Id
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes all attributes from the UserExtSource attribute. UserExtSource id or (external source Name or Id and userExtSourceLogin) required.

Available options:

userExtSourceId -u userExtSource Id
userExtSourceLogin -l users login at ExtSource
extSourceName -E extSource name
extSourceId -e extSource Id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Changes password. UserId or login is required. Namespace is required. Old and new password is read from STDIN or file if -f is specified (expected file format is: "oldPass\nnewPass").

Available options:

userId -u user Id
login -l login
namespace -n namespace
file -f path to file with passwords (default STDIN)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Reset password. UserId or login is required. Namespace is required. New password is read from STDIN or file if -f is specified.

Available options:

userId -u user Id
login -l login
namespace -n namespace
file -f path to file with passwords (default STDIN)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Creates Union between two groups. Result group id or name together with vo id or vo short name are required fields. Operand group id or name required. Both groups have to be from the same VO.

Available options:

resultGroupId -g result group id
resultGroupName -G result group name
operandGroupId -o operand group id
operandGroupName -O operand group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists group Ids joined to entered group. Group id or name together with vo id or vo short name are required fields.

Available options:

groupId -g result group id
groupName -G result group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
reverse -r reverse direction
-n order by group name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes Union between two groups. Result group id or name together with vo id or vo short name are required fields. Operand group id or name required. Both groups have to be from the same VO.

Available options:

resultGroupId -g result group id
resultGroupName -G result group name
operandGroupId -o operand group id
operandGroupName -O operand group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets Host attribute on each Host on Facility. Facility Id or Name required. Attribute Id or Name required. Attribute value required.

Available options:

facilityName -F facility name
faclityId -f facility Id
attributeId -a attribute id
attributeName -A attribute name including namespace
attributeValue -w attribute value
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets attribute determining number of cores on Host. Host name and number of cores are required field.

Available options:

hostName -H host name
numCores -n number of cores
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Gets attribute determining number of cores on Host. Host name is required field.

Available options:

hostName -H host name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists Facilities where host is assigned.

Available options:

hostName -H host name
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists hostnames and their number of cores.

Available options:

facilityName -F facility name
faclityId -f facility Id
orderById -i order by ID
orderByName -n order by name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help

If no facility is entered, list for all facilities is displayed.


Moves Group within structure of groups in VO with all it's subgroups. Group id or group name together with vo id or vo short name are required fields. Destination group is optional. If destination group is not defined, moving group (and it's subgroups) is moved as first level group in VO.

Available options:

movingGroupId -g moving group Id
movingGroupName -G moving group name
voId -v vo id
voShortName -V vo short name
destGroupId -d destination group Id
destGroupName -D destination group name
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Prints attribute rights of roles

Available options:

attributeId -a attribute identifier
attributeName -A attribute name (including namespace)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets attribute rights of roles

Available options:

attributeId -a attribute identifier
attributeName -A attribute name (including namespace)
rolesRights -r list of rights for role (READ WRITE empty=no right)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds next owner to specific User. User id and owner id is required.

Available options:

userId -u user id
owner -o owner Id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists Specific users assigned to User. User id is required.

Available options:

userId -u user id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists users assigned to Specific user. Specific user id is required.

Available options:

userId -u specific user id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes given owner from specific User. User id and owner id is required.

Available options:

userId -u user id
owner -o owner Id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets specific User. User id,user Id of owner and specific user type are required.

Available options:

userId -u user id
specUserType -t type of specific user (SERVICE/SPONSORED)
owner -o user Id of owner
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Unsets specific User. User id is required.

Available options:

userId -u specific user id
specUserType -t type of specific user (SERVICE/SPONSORED)
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Adds a sponsor to sponsored member

Available options:
member -m sponsored member ID
sponsor -s sponsor user ID
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Removes a sponsor from sponsored member

Available options:
member -m sponsored member ID
sponsor -s sponsor user ID
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Sets sponsorship for member. Member ID and sponsor ID is required.

Available options:
member -m member id
sponsor -s sponsor (user) id
validityTo -v expiration of sponsorship (YYYY-MM-DD) optional
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Unsets sponsorship for member. Member ID is required.

Available options:
member -m member id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists Members in VO sponsored by entered Sponsor

Available options:
sponsor -s sponsor's userId
vo -v VO Id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help


Lists Sponsors assigned to Member

Available options:
member -m member id
batch -b batch
help -h prints this help

How to propagate changes

To propagate a change immediatelly, use tool: forceServicePropagation. Changes will be inserted into queue and reaching head of queue, propagated to machines.

Perun RPC servlet


<servlet address Perun-RPC>/serializer/manager/method

  • serializer: only 'json' at the moment
  • manager: name of manager Perun-API, e.g. 'vosManager', 'membersManager'...
  • method: name of method of particular manager e.g. 'getVos'...


Parameters of methods

  • Parameters are passed in the URL address (HTTP GET): <servlet address Perun-RPC>/serializer/manager/method?parametr1=value1&parametr2=value

Only methods that do not change the state (get* methods etc.) and only with parameters with type string, int or bean already existing in database (in this case expected value is bean's id).


  • in format JSON (HTTP POST)

Format of response

Response format depends on serializer, now works JSON format. Beans are serialized to JSON objects, objects List to JSON arrays and other types to the responding types in format JSON.


Exceptions are thrown as JSON object with value 'errorId' (id of error), 'type' (type of error) and 'errorInfo' (details of error). Concerning exception of Perun API, value 'type' match with class name containing this exception and 'errorInfo' is result of method getMessage() on this exception.

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