Perl - modules
Perl programming language supports extensions in the form of so called 'modules'. To ease the administration of such modules we grouped them into one SW package (module). These packages are dependent on the Perl.
Differs according to used Perl module.
Upcoming modulesystem change alert!
Due to large number of applications and their versions it is not practical to keep them explicitly listed at our wiki pages. Therefore an upgrade of modulefiles is underway. A feature of this upgrade will be the existence of default module for every application. This default choice does not need version number and it will load some (usually latest) version.
You can test the new version now by adding a line
source /cvmfs/
to your script before loading a module. Then, you can list all versions of perl-modules and load default version of perl-modules as
module avail perl-modules/ # list available modules module load perl-modules # load (default) module
If you wish to keep up to the current system, it is still possible. Simply list all modules by
module avail perl-modules
and choose explicit version you want to use.
Module name | Included Perl modules |
bioperl-1.6.1 | Ace (1.92), Acme::Damn (0.05), Algorithm::Munkres (0.08), App::cpanminus (1.7001), Archive::Zip (1.37), Array::Compare (2.02), BerkeleyDB (0.54), Bio (), Bio::Run (), Bit::Vector (7.3), CPAN::DistnameInfo (0.12), CPAN::Meta (2.132830), CPAN::Meta::Check (0.008), CPAN::Meta::Requirements (2.125), CPAN::Meta::YAML (0.010), Cache::Cache (1.06), Carp::Clan (6.04), Class::Data::Inheritable (0.08), Class::Load (0.20), Clone (0.35), Convert::Binary::C (0.76), Crypt::RC4 (2.02), DBD::SQLite (1.40), Data (), Data::OptList (0.108), Devel::GlobalDestruction (0.12), Devel::GlobalDestruction::XS (0.01), Devel::StackTrace (1.30), Digest::Perl::MD5 (1.8), Dist::CheckConflicts (0.09), Eval::Closure (0.11), Exception::Class (1.37), File::Slurp (9999.19), File::Which (1.09), Graph (0.96), IO::All (0.51), IO::Prompt (0.997002), IPC::Run3 (0.046), IPC::System::Simple (1.25), Inline (0.53), JSON::PP (2.27203), List::MoreUtils (0.33), MRO::Compat (0.12), Math::Derivative (undef), Math::Random (0.71), Math::Spline (0.02), Module::Implementation (0.07), Module::Metadata (1.000019), Module::Runtime (0.013), Moose (2.1005), OLE::Storage_Lite (0.19), PPM (undef), Package::DeprecationManager (0.13), Package::Stash (0.36), Package::Stash::XS (0.28), Params::Util (1.07), Perl (5.28.1), Perl::OSType (1.007), Perl::Unsafe::Signals (0.02), PerlIO::gzip (0.18), PostScript::Metrics (0.06), Probe::Perl (0.03), Proc::ProcessTable (0.50), SVG (2.59), SVG::Graph (0.02), Set::Scalar (1.26), Spreadsheet::ParseExcel (0.59), Spreadsheet::WriteExcel (2.40), Statistics::Descriptive (3.0605), Sub::Exporter (0.987), Sub::Exporter::Progressive (0.001011), Sub::Install (0.927), Sub::Name (0.05), Sub::Uplevel (0.24), Sys::SigAction (0.21), Term::ReadKey (2.31), Test::CheckDeps (0.010), Test::Deep (0.110), Test::Differences (0.61), Test::Exception (0.32), Test::Fatal (0.013), Test::Most (0.31), Test::NoWarnings (1.04), Test::Requires (0.06), Test::Script (1.07), Test::Warn (0.24), Text::Diff (1.41), Tree::DAG_Node (1.18), Try::Tiny (0.18), Want (0.22), XML::DOM::XPath (0.14), XML::Filter::BufferText (1.01), XML::SAX::Writer (0.53), XML::Twig (3.44), XML::Writer (0.623), XML::XPathEngine (0.14), YAML (0.81), YAML::Syck (1.25), bin::pairfq (), forks (0.34) |
bioperl-1.6.9-gcc | Acme::Damn (0.08), Algorithm::Diff (1.1903), Algorithm::Diff::XS (0.04), Alien::Build (2.21), Alien::Libxml2 (0.16), App::Cmd (0.331), Archive::Any::Lite (), Array::Diff (), B::Hooks::OP::Check (0.22), Bio::SamTools (), Bit::Vector (7.4), Browser::Open (0.04), CPAN::DistnameInfo (), CPAN::Meta (2.150010), CPAN::Meta::Check (0.014), CPAN::Meta::Requirements (2.140), Cairo (1.106), Capture::Tiny (0.48), Carp::Clan (6.07), Chart::Plotly (0.014), Class::Accessor (), Class::Data::Inheritable (0.08), Class::Inspector (), Class::Load (0.25), Class::Load::XS (0.10), Class::Method::Modifiers (), Class::Tiny (), Class::XSAccessor (1.19), Clone (0.41), Compress::Raw::Bzip2 (2.101), Compress::Raw::Zlib (2.101), Const::Fast (0.014), DBD::Pg (3.10.0), DBD::SQLite (1.54), DBD::mysql (4.050), DBI (1.636), Data::Binary (), Data::Dump (1.23), Data::OptList (0.110), Data::Section (), Date::Parse (2.30), Devel::CheckLib (1.13), Devel::Cycle (), Devel::GlobalDestruction (), Devel::Hide (), Devel::OverloadInfo (0.005), Devel::StackTrace (2.04), Devel::Symdump (), Dist::CheckConflicts (0.11), Encode (3.01), Encode::Locale (1.05), Error (0.17027), Eval::Closure (0.14), Exception::Class (1.44), ExtUtils::Config (0.008), ExtUtils::Depends (0.8000), ExtUtils::Helpers (0.026), ExtUtils::InstallPaths (0.012), ExtUtils::MakeMaker::CPANfile (), ExtUtils::PkgConfig (1.16), FFI::CheckLib (0.26), File::BaseDir (), File::Copy::Recursive (), File::DesktopEntry (), File::Find::Object (), File::Listing (6.04), File::MimeInfo (), File::ReadBackwards (), File::ShareDir (), File::ShareDir::Install (), File::chdir (), File::pushd (1.016), GD (2.71), Getopt::Long::Descriptive (0.104), Graph (), HMMER2GO (), HTML-TableExtract (), HTML::Parser (3.72), HTML::Show (0.001), HTML::Tagset (3.20), HTTP::Cookies (6.04), HTTP::Daemon (6.01), HTTP::Date (6.02), HTTP::Message (6.18), HTTP::Negotiate (6.01), IO (1.39), IO::All (), IO::CaptureOutput (1.1104), IO::Compress (), IO::HTML (1.001), IO::Stringy (), IO::TieCombine (1.005), IO::Tty (1.12), IPC::Run (20180523.0), IPC::System::Simple (1.25), Importer (0.025), Inline (), Inline::C (), JSON (4.02), LWP::MediaTypes (6.02), Lingua::EN::Inflect (), List::MoreUtils (0.416), List::MoreUtils::XS (0.428), List::Util (1.50), MIME::Charset (), MRO::Compat (0.13), Mock::Config (0.03), Module::Build (0.4229), Module::Build::Tiny (0.039), Module::CPANfile (), Module::Find (), Module::Implementation (0.09), Module::Pluggable (5.2), Module::Runtime (0.016), Module::Runtime::Conflicts (0.003), Module::Signature (), Moo (), Moose (2.2012), MooseX::ExtraArgs (0.02), Net::HTTP (6.18), Package::DeprecationManager (0.17), Package::Stash (), Package::Stash::XS (0.29), PadWalker (2.3), Parallel::ForkManager (2.02), Params::Util (1.07), Params::Validate (1.29), Parse::RecDescent (), Path::Tiny (0.108), Pegex (), Perl (5.28.1), Perl::Unsafe::Signals (0.03), Pod::Coverage (), Pod::Spell (), Pod::Spell::CommonMistakes (), Ref::Util (0.204), Ref::Util::XS (0.117), Regexp::Common (2017060201), Regexp::Trie (), Role::Tiny (), SVG (), Scope::Guard (0.21), Set::Scalar (), Software::License (), Statistics::R (), String::RewritePrefix (0.008), Sub::Exporter (0.987), Sub::Exporter::Progressive (), Sub::Info (0.002), Sub::Install (0.928), Sub::Name (0.21), Sub::Quote (), Sub::Uplevel (0.2800), Sys::SigAction (), Term::ReadKey (2.37), Term::Size::Any (), Term::Size::Perl (), Term::Table (0.015), Test2::Suite (0.000127), Test::Base (), Test::CleanNamespaces (0.24), Test::Deep (1.128), Test::Differences (0.67), Test::Exception (0.43), Test::FailWarnings (), Test::Fatal (0.014), Test::File (), Test::Fork (), Test::LeakTrace (0.16), Test::Memory::Cycle (), Test::MockRandom (), Test::More::UTF8 (0.05), Test::Most (0.35), Test::Needs (0.002006), Test::Number::Delta (), Test::Pod (), Test::Pod::Coverage (), Test::Regexp (2017040101), Test::Requires (0.10), Test::RequiresInternet (), Test::Simple (1.302169), Test::UseAllModules (), Test::Warn (0.36), Test::Warnings (0.027), Test::Weaken (), Test::YAML (), Test::utf8 (), Text::CSV_XS (1.39), Text::Diff (1.45), Text::Format (), Text::NSP (1.31), Text::Template (1.58), Try::Tiny (0.30), UUID::Tiny (1.04), Unicode::LineBreak (2019.001), Unicode::UTF8 (0.62), WWW::RobotRules (6.02), Want (0.29), XML::DOM (), XML::DOM::XPath (), XML::Filter::BufferText (), XML::LibXML (2.0204), XML::NamespaceSupport (1.12), XML::Parser (2.44), XML::RegExp (), XML::SAX (1.00), XML::SAX::Base (1.09), XML::SAX::Writer (), XML::Simple (2.25), XML::Twig (), XML::Writer (), XML::XPathEngine (), XSLoader (0.24), YAML (1.27), YAML::LibYAML (0.80), bareword::filehandles (0.006), forks (0.36), indirect (0.38), install (0.01), libwww::perl (), libxml-perl (), multidimensional (0.014), strictures () |
bioperl-1.7.8-gcc | Algorithm::Diff (1.201), Alien::Build (2.51), Alien::Libxml2 (), Capture::Tiny (0.48), Class::Data::Inheritable (0.09), Data (), Date::Parse (2.33), Devel::Cycle (1.12), Devel::StackTrace (2.04), Encode::Locale (1.05), Error (0.17029), Exception::Class (1.45), Exporter::Tiny (1.002002), ExtUtils::Config (0.008), ExtUtils::Helpers (0.026), ExtUtils::Install (2.20), ExtUtils::InstallPaths (0.012), FFI::CheckLib (0.28), File::Listing (6.15), File::Remove (1.61), File::Which (1.27), File::chdir (0.1010), Getopt::Long (2.52), HTML::Tagset (3.20), HTTP::Cookies (6.10), HTTP::Daemon (6.14), HTTP::Date (6.05), HTTP::Message (6.37), HTTP::Negotiate (6.01), Heap (0.80), IO::HTML (1.004), IO::String (1.08), IO::Stringy (2.113), IPC::Run (20220807.0), Importer (0.026), LWP::MediaTypes (6.04), Module::Build (0.4231), Module::Build::Tiny (0.039), Module::Install (1.19), Module::Pluggable (5.2), Module::ScanDeps (1.31), Mojo::DOM58 (3.001), Net::HTTP (6.22), Number::Format (1.75), Path::Tiny (0.122), Perl (5.32.1), Regexp::Common (2017060201), Scope::Guard (0.21), Set::Scalar (1.29), Sort::Versions (1.62), Spiffy (0.46), Statistics::Basic (1.6611), Statistics::R (0.34), Sub::Info (0.002), Sub::Uplevel (0.2800), Switch (2.17), Term::Table (0.016), Test2::Suite (0.000145), Test::Base (0.89), Test::Deep (1.130), Test::Differences (0.69), Test::Exception (0.43), Test::Fatal (0.016), Test::Most (0.37), Test::Needs (0.002009), Test::Requires (0.11), Test::RequiresInternet (0.05), Test::Simple (1.302191), Test::Warn (0.36), Test::Weaken (3.022000), Test::YAML (1.07), Text::Diff (1.45), Try::Tiny (0.31), URI (5.12), WWW::RobotRules (6.02), XML::Filter::BufferText (1.01), XML::NamespaceSupport (1.12), XML::RegExp (0.04), XML::SAX (1.02), XML::SAX::Base (1.09), XML::SAX::Writer (0.57), XML::Writer (0.900), YAML (1.30), YAML::Tiny (1.73) |
Initialize environment with command:
module add bioperl-1.7.8-gcc
You can also install your own Perl module, see SW installation for details.
To list all available perl modules you can use script Usage:
module add bioperl-1.7.8-gcc
Note: If you want to check a list of available modules for
bioperl-1.6.1 , is necessary replace default perl-5.10.1 by newest version e.g. perl-5.20.1-gcc . Use module rm and module add commands. |
Perl modules documentation is available through CPAN.