OpenCV module contains C++ and Python libraries (.h header files, static and shared libraries, Python module) for image processing. You can read more OpenCV in documentation (see link below).
Currently, OpenCV is compiled without GPU support (Cuda).
BSD license (free for both academic and commercial use)
Upcoming modulesystem change alert!
Due to large number of applications and their versions it is not practical to keep them explicitly listed at our wiki pages. Therefore an upgrade of modulefiles is underway. A feature of this upgrade will be the existence of default module for every application. This default choice does not need version number and it will load some (usually latest) version.
You can test the new version now by adding a line
source /cvmfs/
to your script before loading a module. Then, you can list all versions of opencv and load default version of opencv as
module avail opencv/ # list available modules module load opencv # load (default) module
If you wish to keep up to the current system, it is still possible. Simply list all modules by
module avail opencv
and choose explicit version you want to use.
opencv-2.3.2 -- for Python 2.6 opencv-2.4 -- for Python 2.7 opencv-2.4-cuda -- for Python 2.6 opencv-3.2 -- for Python 2.7 opencv-3.2-cuda -- for Python 2.7 and Cuda 8.0 opencv-3.3.1-py34 -- for Python 3.4 opencv-3.4.5-py36 -- for Python 3.6 opencv-3.4.5-py36-cuda10.1 -- for Python 3.6 and Cuda 10.1
OpenCV can be used as a Python library. This module is compiled with Python 2.7 and Numpy support. To initialize your environment, use:
# for opencv-2.4 module
module add python-2.7.5 numpy-1.7.1-py2.7 ffmpeg opencv-2.4
# for older opencv-2.3.2 module
module add python-2.6.2 numpy-py2.6 ffmpeg opencv-2.3.2
Then, in Python, library (Python module) cv2 is available, you can import it and use it:
import cv2
img = cv2.imread('test.png')
Here is a short demonstration, how to compile a C++ project with OpenCV. OpenCV module uses ffmpeg module internally for video processing.
Initialize your environment:
module add cmake-2.8 ffmpeg opencv-2.4
Module cmake is used for c++ project compilation. Our sample project is available here: Decompress this ZIP file in your home directory, at any metacentrum frontend machine.
Directory "metacentrum_opencv_demo" contains source cpp file, CMakeLists.txt for cmake, and several sample videos in "samples" subdirectory.
Create new directory "metacentrum_opencv_demo_build" (as a sibling directory to "metacentrum_opencv_demo" directory). Here, we will make a compilation and build of whole project. Similarly, create new directory "metacentrum_opencv_demo_install", where resulting binary file will be installed.
In "metacentrum_opencv_demo_build" directory, execute:
ccmake ../metacentrum_opencv_demo
This will launch cmake GUI and create new configuration for our build. Configure the project as follows:
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX /home/campr/metacentrum_opencv_demo_install
OpenCV_DIR /afs/
OpenCV_DIR should be set automatically. Adjust CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to link to your "metacentrum_opencv_demo_install" directory.
Press "c" to configure, "g" to generate project (makefile etc. will be created). In "metacentrum_opencv_demo_build" directory execute:
make install
This will compile the project. In case no error was thrown, the resulting files (binary executable and sample videos) will be installed to "metacentrum_opencv_demo_install" directory.
To test, in "metacentrum_opencv_demo_install/bin" directory, execute:
./opencv_demo ../samples/test.avi
This will output a set of points (one point per frame from input video).
Official on-line OpenCV documentation