Group notifications – examples

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Variables, for example: {groupName} is automatically converted in text of notification into particular value.

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Created/user - initial

Subject: Confirmation of application submission for group {groupName}

Dear user,

thank you for your application. The information you submitted has been successfully received. Your application will be reviewed by a group {groupName} manager.

Please note that if you entered a new contact email (different from the e-mail received from your identity provider), you will receive a verification e-mail. In that case, the application will be passed to the group manager after the e-mail is verified by you.

Name: {displayName}

Login: {login-einfra}

Application ID: {appId}

Application state can be checked in "Applications" section:


You will be notified by another mail once your application approved or rejected.

Mail validation/user - initial

Subject: {groupName}: Email address verification

Dear user,

you have entered this email address as preferred contact on the application in group {groupName}. Please verify your email address by clicking on the link below. Until that, your application can't be approved.


Yours sincerely {groupName}

Created/manager - initial

Subject: New application for group {groupName} created

Dear manager,

new application for group {groupName} was created under ID={appId} by user: {displayName}, {actor} / {extSource}.

Application detail with all data submitted by the user you can approve / reject application on


If there was any error during application creation, information follows:


Approved/user - initial

Subject: {groupName}: Application no. {appId} approved

Dear user,

Your application for group {groupName} under ID={appId} was approved by group manager.

Name: {displayName} Login: {login-einfra} Membership expiration date: {membershipExpiration}

Administrative interface of Perun system, where you can change you contact details and manage different settings, can be found at: * FEDERATION (login and password from your institution or Hostel IdP):{perunGuiUrlFed}

Yours sincerely {groupName}

Rejected/user - initial

Subject: Application for group {groupName} rejected.

Dear user,

your application for membership in group {groupName} under ID={appId} was rejected by group manager. Reason (if attached by manager) follows: {customMessage}

Yours sincerely {groupName}

Invitation/user - initial

Subject: Invitation to {groupName}.

Dear {displayName},

you have been invited to {groupName}. Please visit following link to apply for membership:



{groupName} support team

Created/user - extension

Subject: Confirmation of application submission for group {groupName} account extension.

Dear user,

thank you for your application for group {groupName} account extension. You will be notified by another mail once your application approved or rejected.

Your {groupName}

Mail validation/user - extension

Send only when user submitted new email address during extension.

Subject: {groupName}: Email address verification.

Dear user,

You have entered this email address as preferred contact on the application for membership in group {groupName}. Please verify your email address by clicking on the link below. Until that, your application can't be approved.


Your {groupName}

Created/manager - extension

Subject: New application (account extension) for group {groupName} created.

Dear manager, new application for group {groupName} account extension was created under ID={appId} by user: {displayName}, {actor} / {extSource}. Application detail with all user submitted data where you can approve / reject application on {appDetailUrlKerb}

Your {groupName}

If there was any error during application creation, information follows:


Approved/user - extension

Subject: {groupName}: Application no. {appId} approved.

Dear user,

Your application ID={appId} for group {groupName} account extension was approved by group manager. Name: {displayName} Membership expiration date: {membershipExpiration}

Your {groupName}

Rejected/user - extension

Subject: Application for group {groupName} account extension was rejected.

Dear user,

your application for group {groupName} account extension with ID={appId} was rejected by group manager. Reason (if attached by manager) follows: {customMessage}

Your {groupName}