Graph tool

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Graph-tool is an efficient Python module for manipulation and statistical analysis of graphs (a.k.a. networks). Contrary to most other python modules with similar functionality, the core data structures and algorithms are implemented in C++, making extensive use of template metaprogramming, based heavily on the Boost Graph Library. This confers it a level of performance that is comparable (both in memory usage and computation time) to that of a pure C/C++ library.


Graph-tool is released under the GPLv3.


Upcoming modulesystem change alert!

Due to large number of applications and their versions it is not practical to keep them explicitly listed at our wiki pages. Therefore an upgrade of modulefiles is underway. A feature of this upgrade will be the existence of default module for every application. This default choice does not need version number and it will load some (usually latest) version.

You can test the new version now by adding a line

source /cvmfs/

to your script before loading a module. Then, you can list all versions of graph-tool and load default version of graph-tool as

module avail graph-tool/ # list available modules
module load graph-tool   # load (default) module

If you wish to keep up to the current system, it is still possible. Simply list all modules by

module avail graph-tool

and choose explicit version you want to use.

Please note: Module GTK of version 3 and higher is not installed at MetaCentrum now, therefore you probably receive this runtime warning:

RuntimeWarning: Error importing Gtk module: No module named gi; GTK+ drawing will not work.

Graph-tool can be run even without this module -- GTK module is optional and only very limited number of graph-tool methods directly depends on it.

