Assigning the users to the existing service account

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(Czech version)

Warning.gif WARNING:

Please do not use any features in the Perun system, which are not described in this tutorial. The structure of the VOs under your administration could be disrupted. Better user interface is being prepared.

  • * Please log in into the Perun system and then go to the VO VO Manager section.

Pridani uzivatele k existujicimu servisnimu uctu 01.jpg

  • On the left panel please click on the UserUser section and then click on Service identitiesService identities. There will appear the list of yours service accounts.

Pridani uzivatele k existujicimu servisnimu uctu 02.jpg

  • Please choose desired service account. (Note: Service identitiesService identities will automatically change to Service identitiesAssociated users.)

Pridani uzivatele k existujicimu servisnimu uctu 03.jpg

  • Please choose Service identitiesAssociated users from the left Menu and then choose invite_user Add.

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  • Please insert the name, surname, email or login of the user with who you wish to associate the created service user account and then click on the List all Search button.

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  • Please choose the desired user from the search results and click on the invite_userConnect button.

Notice: All changes made in the Perun system will be active in one hour. Thus executed changes are not immediate!!!.